Webinar Alert – 14 December 2022
Aeromotus and SPH Engineering are hosting a webinar on 14th December 1.00pm (GMT+4) on the Drone Show Software and the required components for Drone Show events.
Drone Show Software (DSS) is the only commercially available solution developed specifically for outdoor drone show management. It has an intuitive interface allowing you to control a swarm of up to hundreds of drones on a 3D map with high precision and uncompromising safety
In this webinar, we also intend to cover about the growing demand for drone light shows, kinds of drone shows on the market, Drone Show Software technology – as an opportunity for new business, how to start a drone show business and succeed, the technology, advantages of using SPH Engineering DSS and scalability possibilities, followed with a brief virtual demo of the software itself.
Aeromotus is the authorized distributor partner for SPH Engineering’s products and solutions that includes Drone Show Software, Industrial Drone Sensors & Solutions, UgCS software and more.
Get in touch with us at sale@aeromotus.com for any further information.
AEROMOTUS = Digitally transform your business + Efficiency from Drone Data