In the box:
Livox Horizon ×1
Livox Converter 2.0 ×1
Optical Window Cleaning Cloth ×1
L-shape Hex Screwdriver ×1
Rubber Seal ×1
Screws Package ×2
Power Cable × 2
Sync Cable ×
The Horizon LiDAR sensor adopts an innovative
optoelectronic system design with rotation-free
photoelectric components that results in higher reliability
and longer service life compared to alternative LIDAR units.
This design avoids issues often associated with solid state
LIDAR units, such as high cost, short detection range, and
defects from immaturity. In addition, the Horizon LIDAR
sensor was designed to meet VW80000 and ISO16750
automotive standards, and its overall performance meets
the overall performance meets the requirements for level 3
and level 4 autonomous vehicles.
Large-scale Mass Production
It has traditionally been difficult to find a mass-production-
ready LIDAR unit that is low-cost, high-performance, and
reliable. Developments in fields such as high-level
autonomous driving, robotics, logistics, mapping, and
security have been hindered by the high costs and low
availability of LIDAR units. Livox is committed to
revolutionizing the LiDAR industry. The Horizon’s multiple
laser transceivers, reliable signal transmitting and receiving
ability, scanning technology, and highly modularized and
automotive product line design improves the potential for
LIDAR uses, turning the mass production and application of
LIDAR into a reality.
Cost Advantages
Apart from adopting a unique product design for mass
production, the entire optical system of Horizon LiDAR
sensor uses verified and easy-to-acquire components to
achieve excellent performance through low-cost signal
collection, making single Horizon LiDAR sensor unit ultra-
accessible with an incredibly low price.
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